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Automaiton Code to Download the Url From Place and Upload to Another

Selenium is an open-source tool that automates spider web browsers. Information technology provides a single interface that lets testers automate user deportment using multiple programming languages like Cerise, Java, NodeJS, PHP, Perl, Python, and C#, amid others.

With Selenium, testers tin can automate a broad range of actions such equally click, blazon, hover , upload files , download files – the list is quite exhaustive.

One of the most common scenarios among internet users is downloading files off web pages. While Selenium doesn't back up this functionality natively, t here is an easy way to use Selenium to download a file.

So, for users Googling "selenium download file", this article explores that exact scenario with a step-by-step tutorial.

Let's consider the following scenario:

In that location is a .csv file located at the end of " Test on Right Mobile Devices " page, the intent is to download the file using Selenium and Python.

Download File Example


  • Users need to have a bones setup of Selenium and Python in their system.

At present, let'south discuss how to download a file using Selenium and Python .

The challenge hither is that the downloading process or approach is unlike in different browsers – such as Firefox and Chrome. So if a tester is using Selenium Webdriver to download files they demand to have split configurations for each browser.

 This guide will explain two approaches. With it, testers can use Selenium to download files to specific folders in both Chrome and Firebox.

Download files to a specific folder in Chrome browser using Selenium

Footstep ane: Import required packages to Python test script

                      from                    selenium                    import                    webdriver          import time

The code snippet above imports two packages:

  • webdriver: Helps to perform browser-specific actions such as navigation, click, etc.
  • time: Helps to pause the script at a desired time.

Step 2: Set Chrome options

          options           =          webdriver          .          ChromeOptions          ()          ;                    prefs           = {          "download.default_directory"           :          "<directory_path>          ;                    #example:                    prefs           = {          "download.default_directory"           :          "C:\Tutorial\downwards"          }          ;                    options          .          add_experimental_option          (          "prefs"          ,          prefs          )          ;        

Explanation of the code:

  • options:   Helps fix the preferences to Chrome browser.
  • download.default_directory : Used for changing the default download directory. Example: The code specifies C:\Tutorial\down , which ways that the file will be downloaded to that location.
  • add_experimental_option: Allows users to add together these preferences to their Selenium webdriver object.

Footstep three: Create chrome driver object with options

          driver           =          webdriver          .          Chrome          (          executable_path          =          './chromedriver'          ,          chrome_options          =          options          )          ;        

Caption of the code:

  • driver:   Creates Selenium chromedriver object with in a higher place mentioned options.

Note: executable_path should be the relative path where the chromedriver is located. In this case, information technology is the root folder and then it is mentioned as ./chromedriver

Step iv: Create a script to navigate to the website and click on download .csv

The steps above have set the preferences and imported all required packages. Adjacent, the tester must write the script to navigate the website and click on the download file option.

          from                    selenium                    import                    webdriver          import                    time          endeavor          :                    driver          .          go          (          ''          )          ;                    gotit          =          driver          .          find_element_by_id          (          'accept-cookie-notification'          )          ;                    gotit          .click()          ;                              downloadcsv          =          commuter          .          find_element_by_css_selector          (          '.icon-csv'          )          ;                    downloadcsv          .click()          ;                    time          .          sleep          (          5          )                              driver          .          shut          ()          except          :                    impress          (          "Invalid URL"          )        

Caption of the code:

  • driver.get: Navigates to the URL where the relevant file is located

As presently every bit Selenium navigates to the website , they ask to accept the cookies, which must be done first to download the file.

  • : clicks to have cookies.
  • downloadcsv: variable holds the locator for .csv file.
  • On performing this action, Selenium downloads the file to the specific folder mentioned in Footstep 2.

Step 5: Run the test

When put together from pace one to stride 4, the lawmaking looks as below. On executing this script, the tester should be able to automate file download using Selenium and Python.

          from                    selenium                    import                    webdriver          import                    time          options           =          webdriver          .          ChromeOptions          ()          ;          prefs           = {          "download.default_directory"           :          "C:\Tutorial\downward"          }          ;          options          .          add_experimental_option          (          "prefs"          ,          prefs          )          ;          driver           =          webdriver          .          Chrome          (          executable_path          =          './chromedriver'          ,          chrome_options          =          options          )          ;          try          :                    driver          .          get          (          ''          )          ;                    downloadcsv          =          driver          .          find_element_by_css_selector          (          '.icon-csv'          )          ;                    gotit          =          driver          .          find_element_by_id          (          'take-cookie-notification'          )          ;                    gotit          .click()          ;                              downloadcsv          .click()          ;                    time          .          slumber          (          5          )                    driver          .          shut          ()          except          :                    print          (          "Invalid URL"          )        

Subsequently executing the script the file volition be downloaded to the desired location.

File downloaded scenario

At present you tin can navigate to the folder mentioned in Step 2 , and get the Selenium downloaded file.

Download file to specific folder in Chrome using Selenium

Endeavor Selenium Testing for Free

Download files to a Specific folder in Firefox browser using Selenium

Step 1: Import the required packages

This step remains the aforementioned for both Chrome and Firefox.  Import required packages to the test scripts.

          from                    selenium                    import                    webdriver                    import                    time        

Step two: Create Firefox Profile

          contour           =          webdriver          .          FirefoxProfile          ()                    profile          .          set_preference          (          ""          ,          ii          )                    profile          .          set_preference          (          ""          ,          Simulated          )                    contour          .          set_preference          (          ""          ,          "<path_to_downlaod_directory>"          )                    #Example:profile.set_preference("", "C:\Tutorial\downward")                    profile          .          set_preference          (          "browser.helperApps.neverAsk.saveToDisk"          ,          "application/octet-stream"          )        

Explanation of the code:

  • profile: The profile object is specific to FirefoxDriver which holds all the preferences to be set.
  • : Setting this preference tells Selenium Webdriver to not use the default directory for downloading the file .
  • Setting this preference turns off the showing of download progress.
  • Setting this preference makes Selenium download the file to a specific folder (ex: C:\Tutorial\down).
  • browser.helperApps.neverAsk.saveToDisk : Tells Firefox to automatically download the files of the selected mime-types. In this case, its awarding/octet-stream .

Note: If testers are unsure about how to find the mime types that must exist specified in preferences, curlicue to the section on " How to notice the MIME type to specify when downloading files with Selenium WebDriver in Firefox " later in this commodity.

Footstep three: Create Firefox driver object with all preferences

          driver           =          webdriver          .          Firefox          (          firefox_profile          =          profile          ,          executable_path          =          '.\geckodriver'          )        

The code above passes two parameters namely: firefox_profile and executable path .

  • firefox_profile: Sets the profile defined in the steps above.
  • executable path: This value should indicate to the firefoxdriver binary file, if the binary is located in the root binder .\geckodriver .

Step four: Write a script to navigate to the webpage and download file

          endeavour          :                    driver          .          get          (          ''          )          ;                    gotit          =          driver          .          find_element_by_id          (          'accept-cookie-notification'          )          ;                    gotit          .click()          ;                    downloadcsv          =          driver          .          find_element_by_css_selector          (          '.icon-csv'          )          ;                    downloadcsv          .click()          ;                    time          .          slumber          (          5          )          ;                    driver          .          quit          ()          ;          except          :                    print           (          "Invalid URL"          )        

This code snippet remains the aforementioned for both Chrome and Firefox.

Step five: Execute the script

When put together from footstep 1 to step iii, the lawmaking looks every bit below. On executing this script, the tester should exist able to automate file download using Selenium and Python.

          from                    selenium                    import                    webdriver          import                    time          contour           =          webdriver          .          FirefoxProfile          ()          profile          .          set_preference          (          ""          ,          2          )          profile          .          set_preference          (          ""          ,          False          )          profile          .          set_preference          (          ""          ,          "<path_to_downlaod_directory>"          )          #Instance:profile.set_preference("", "C:\Tutorial\down")          profile          .          set_preference          (          "browser.helperApps.neverAsk.saveToDisk"          ,          "awarding/octet-stream"          )          driver           =          webdriver          .          Firefox          (          firefox_profile          =          profile          ,          executable_path          =          '.\geckodriver'          )          try          :                    commuter          .          become          (          ''          )          ;                    gotit          =          driver          .          find_element_by_id          (          'have-cookie-notification'          )          ;                    gotit          .click()          ;                    downloadcsv          =          driver          .          find_element_by_css_selector          (          '.icon-csv'          )          ;                    downloadcsv          .click()          ;                    time          .          slumber          (          v          )                    driver          .          quit          ()          ;          except          :                    print           (          "Invalid URL"          )        

After execution of the script, Firefox downloads the file:

Download files using Selenium

Navigate to the directory specified in Pace 2 to get the Selenium downloaded file.

Download files to specific folder in Selenium

How to discover the MIME blazon to specify when downloading files with Selenium WebDriver in Firefox

In the Firefox preferences, ane has to specify the MIME type. However, most times, the tester is not sure which MIME type to specify. Fortunately, there is a solution.

Let's consider the example depicted above. In society to find the MIME blazon, do the post-obit:

  1. Open Firefox browser. Navigate to URL
  2. Navigate to the .CSV download button and re-create the download link Download file option in Firefox

          three. Open up a new browser window. Then open the network tab:

Open network tab in Firefox

            4. Paste the URL copied and expect for the network tab asking:

Content type in Network Tab

Here in the request, await for the start asking. Therein, observe the content-type. Mention it in Firefox preferences when writing the test script for downloading a file using Selenium.

Comport in listen Selenium WebDriver tests must be executed on real devices and browsers. Think that device fragmentation is a major business for every developer and tester. Every website has to work seamlessly on multiple device-browser-Bone combinations. With 9000+ distinct devices beingness used to access the cyberspace globally, all software has to exist optimized for different configurations, viewports, and screen resolutions.

In this country, no emulator or simulator can replicate real user atmospheric condition . Software needs to be tested on real devices so that they can piece of work in real-earth circumstances such as a low battery, incoming calls, weak network force, and so on. If an in-firm lab is not accessible, opt for a cloud-based testing pick that offers real devices.

BrowserStack'south deject Selenium grid offers 2000+ existent devices and browsers for automated testing. That means users can run tests on multiple real devices and browsers by simply signing up, logging in, and selecting the required combinations. Testers can likewise bear Cypress testing on 30+ real browser versions across Windows and macOS. Detects bugs before users do by testing software in real user conditions with BrowserStack.


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