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Is the Daughter of Mamma Mia the Same Girl as a Daughter and Your Mamma Mia Here We Go Again

Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again has been delighting audiences as it plunges in to the back story of Donna (played by Lily James) as she meets the possible fathers (played by Hugh Skinner, Josh Dylan and Jeremy Irvine) of her daughter Sophie.

But it seems that the 10 years between the two films has left the writers with a few fuzzy memories – because the timelines don't always add up.

Check out the biggest inconsistencies from the sun-soaked ABBA spectacular:

1. What year does everything take place in?

Mamma Mia 2: Here We Go Again


Right at the very start of Mamma Mia: Here We Go again sees Donna graduating from university in 1979 before launching in to a stunning version of 'When I Kissed The Teacher'. We know from the second film that Sophie is 20 years old – so assuming she was born in 1980, that means Mamma Mia is set in 2000.

It makes Sky's talk about putting the hotel on the internet a little far-fetched considering many people then were still renting their dial-up instructional videos from Blockbuster, but we'll go with it.

Meryl Streep in Mamma Mia 2: Here We Go Again

Universal Pictures

Then along comes the sequel, which despite a ten-year gap between the films is only set five years after the original, which makes it 2005.

So why can we see people in the movie showing off their not-very 2005 iPhones and laptops?

2. How old is Donna?

Amanda Seyfried, Dominic Cooper and Cher in Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again

Universal Pictures

Look, we're not going to get in to the fact that Cher plays Meryl Streep's mother despite only being three years older than her.

But seriously, how old is Donna supposed to be? Again, making the assumption she graduated from university when she was in her mid-20s, 20 years later she would have been in her mid-40s. We understand Meryl Streep is a stunning goddess, but she was nearly 60 when she filmed the first film.

So was Donna actually older, or has all that living in the Greek sunshine just aged her prematurely?

3. When did Donna meet the dads?

Sophie lays the timeline out very simply when she reads her mum's diary to her pals during the 'Honey Honey' sequence in the first film. Sam rode Donna over to the island, where they did the old-fashioned dot dot dot. Then Bill rented a motorboat and Donna took him to the island, where one thing led to another. But then Harry turns up "out of the blue" on the Island days later and the same thing happens.

Hugh Skinner in Mamma Mia 2


Flash forward, or back, to the prequel: Donna actually meets Harry in Paris and takes his virginity. She then heads to Greece where she has a romance with Sam before being left heartbroken and falling in to the arms – and boat – of Bill.

Poor Harry does follow Donna to Greece but never makes it to the little island as he misses the last ferry and is left stranded (with the guitar that mysteriously ends up with Donna anyway).

4. Did Rosie and Tanya forget they met them already?

Throwback to an emotional Donna telling the Dynamos that she doesn't actually know for certain that Sam was Sophie's dad, as she slept with two other men at the same time during the first film.

Young Rosie and Tanya in Mamma Mia 2


The sequel shows that not only did Rosie and Tanya know about Bill, they actually pushed Donna to get over Sam by staying on his boat. Rosie even fell hopelessly in love with the young Swede, but let it go so her friend could find happiness.

So where did their shock come from 20 years later?

5. Why do Donna's eyes change colour?

Meryl Streep, blue eyes, Lily James, brown eyes, Mamma Mia 2, Here We Go Again


Lily James herself claims she spent hours perfecting Meryl Streep's mannerisms when she got the part of Donna Sheridan, so could some coloured contacts not have been thrown in too? Although she nailed everything down to Meryl's laugh, it's hard to over look the fact Donna has brown eyes in her youth but blue eyes when she gets older.

Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again is out now. Book tickets here.

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