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Pbs Newshour October 19 2018 Segment on Charges Agains Russian Woman

Saving Haiti's Mothers

Now on PBS, January 29, 2010

The BIR travels to Haiti just days before the earthquake to report on the problem of maternal mortality.

Bosnia's Troubled History

PBS Worldfocus, January 6, 2010

The BIR reports on the role of history in shaping Bosnia's society in the wake of its brutal civil war.

Fragile States, Part IV

Haiti's Moment of Hope

PBS NewsHour, January 11, 2010

Airing less than 24 hours before the earthquake, this report looks at progress made in the Caribbean nation.

Fragile States, Part III

Bosnia's Fragile Peace

PBS NewsHour, November 18, 2009

A look at current political and social tensions and the role of the international community in Bosnia & Herzegovina.

Can the UN Keep the Peace?

Now on PBS and HDNet World Report

May 15, 2009

An investigation from the Democratic Republic of the Congo on the United Nation's largest peacekeeping operation in the world, MONUC.

Fragile States, a four part series for PBS NewsHour:

Fragile States, Part II

East Timor: 10 Years On

PBS NewsHour, November 14, 2009

An examination of nation-building in Asia's newest country, 10 years after its people voted for independence from Indonesia.

Fragile States, Part I

Troubles in Congo

PBS NewsHour, August 11, 2009

The BIR tours the province of North Kivu with Alan Doss, Special Representative in charge of the UN's peacekeeping mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Justice Delayed

PBS NewsHour, December 18, 2006

Cambodia prepares tribunals for crimes committed under the brutal Khmer Rouge regime.

Russian, Muslim and at Peace

PBS Foreign Exchange, February 23, 2009

A look at religious co-existence in Tatarstan, an autonomous republic of the Russian Federation.

Crisis in the Caucasus

PBS NewsHour and HDNet World Report

August 19, 2008

The BIR was on the ground inside the disputed territory of Abkhazia just hours before the Russian/Georgian war. This rare access show the roots of the conflict that made a cold war red hot.

Uganda's Silent War

PBS NewsHour and HDNet World Report

April 26, 2007

Winner of the 2008 Robert F Kennedy Journalism Award, this BIR report looks at the impact of arrest warrants issued by the International Criminal Court (ICC) on the war in Northern Uganda.

Australia's Pacific Overture

IRP Fellowship, April 2004

A report on the Australia's mission to the Solomon Islands (RAMSI) and the increased security role Canberra is taking in the region.

The Global Race for Rare Earth Metals

PBS NewsHour, June 14, 2010

From Canada's Northwest Territories to Inner Mongolia to the California desert, the race is on to find new supplies of rare earth metals, key ingredients in many critical defense and green technologies.

Bosnian Women Battle Breast Cancer

PBS NewsHour, October 26, 2010

In a country still very much identified with its civil war that ended 15 years ago, the leading cause of death among Bosnian women is breast cancer. The BIR reports on efforts to stop the deadly disease.

New Generation of Bosnians Head to the Polls

PBS NewsHour, October 1, 2010

The BIR reports on Bosnia's elections and a new wave of first-time voters, the generation that grew up during or after the country's brutal ethnic war.

In Lebanon, Assassination Inquiry Proves Divisive

PBS NewsHour, February 3, 2011

The BIR travels to Lebanon to investigate the impact of the tribunal looking into the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri on peace and stability in this fragile nation.

Liberia Struggles to Build Democracy After Civil War

PBS NewsHour, October 4, 2011

On the eve of presidential elections, the BIR travels to Liberia to report on the country's path towards democracy and development and on the record of of its incumbent, 2011 Nobel Laureate Ellen Johnson Sirleaf.

Myanmar Newsrooms: Proving Grounds for Nascent Freedoms

PBS NewsHour, March 30, 2012

As Burma holds landmark elections and former political opposition members head to parliament, the BIR looks at the fragile growth of media and civil society in this once repressive nation. Ko Ko Gyi, one of the student leaders of the political uprising of 1988, and until recently a political prisoner of the military regime, shares his thoughts on his country's future.

Myanmar Prepares for Elections, Tests Out a Freer Society

PBS NewsHour, March 29, 2012

The BIR heads out on the campaign trail with democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi as she campaigns for a seat in Myanmar's parliament. This report also takes a rare look inside the country's secretive new capital city, Naypyitaw and speaks to US Special Representative Derek Mitchell about what these elections mean for a country now emerging from decades of isolation.

Thailand Grapples with Deadly Tensions Between Muslims, Buddhists

PBS NewsHour, February 21, 2012

The BIR travels to Thailand's "Deep South", its four southernmost provinces, which have experienced a Malay Muslim insurgency resulting in over 5,000 deaths since 2004.

This was the debut report of the BIR's new series Fault Lines of Faith, produced with support from the Luce Foundation and aired on PBS NewsHour.

Peace in Northern Ireland, but Sectarian Divides Remain

PBS NewsHour, July 11, 2012

14 years after a landmark peace agreement settled the 30 years of violence known as The Troubles, Northern Ireland is largely at peace. Yet under the surface sectarian divisions remain strong and tensions come to a boil every summer during the so-called Marching Season, when the Unionist Orange Order stage a series of marches, some passing Republican neighborhoods and stoking tensions.

Imperfect Justice in Cambodia

PBS Need to Know, June 8, 2012

For the lead segment on PBS Need to Know's special program looking at International Justice, the BIR returned to Cambodia for an update report on the progress of the Khmer Rouge tribunal

The Battle Over Northern Ireland's Secret Archive

PBS NewsHour, August 23, 2012

A legal battle has erupted over the release of confidential interviews with former combatants of "The Troubles". On behalf of British Law Enforcement, the US Department of Justice has subpoenaed several recordings being held at Boston College, in hopes of solving a 40 year old murder. It's a fascinating case that raises competing interests of US First Amendment law, peace in a still-fragile Northern Ireland, and potential justice for a horrible crime.

Kenyans Return to Polls to Test Progress Since 2007

PBS NewsHour, February 26, 2013

After the disputed presidential election of December 2007, Kenya fell into chaos as neighbors from different ethnic groups turned on each other in violence. Five years later, Kenyans return to the polls. The BIR examines what progress has been made and what fragilities remain.

In India, Modi is a Popular, Polarizing Figure

PBS NewsHour, December 18, 2012

Narendra Modi, chief minister of the Indian state of Gujarat, is running for a fourth term, and many believe he will be India's next prime minister. But Modi is dogged by controversy over anti-Muslim pogroms what occurred under his watch in 2002. Can his reputation as an efficient administrator overcome fears of religious intolerance as Modi shifts to the national stage in a country with the world's largest Muslim minority?

In Race to Develop Myanmar, Government Grabs Farmland

PBS NewsHour, July 17, 2013

As international investors rush to Myanmar to take advantage of an newly opened economy, decades-old disputes over land seizures by the military government threaten to complicate progress.

Push for National Census Reveals Scars of Bosnia's Painful Past

PBS NewsHour, October 10, 2013

As Bosnia and Herzegovina conducts its first census since before its brutal ethnic war, its three constituent peoples -- Bosniaks, Serbs and Croats -- jockey for numerical advantage, as a fourth force advocates dropping ethnicity entirely.

Indonesian Province Turns Up Sharia Law After Devastating Tsunami

PBS NewsHour, August 19, 2014

The Province of Aceh is the only part of Indonesia - the world most populous majority Muslim nation - to have Sharia Law. Local authorities have been increasing the scope of the law, causing concern among human right activists. The BIR was granted rare access to the Sharia police patrol and witnessed the impact on daily lives in Aceh.

In Ukraine, Wave of Church Seizures Seen as Second Front of War

PBS NewsHour, December 25, 2014

The BIR reports from nationalist Western Ukraine, where villagers are turning against their priests amidst perceptions that they are pro-Russian, throwing them out, sometimes violently. Meanwhile, an unrecognized branch of Ukraine's Orthodox church is grabbing this political moment to increase its flock.  Communities are being left divided over this "second front" in Ukraine's ongoing war.

Morocco Trains Female Spiritual Guides to Fight Extremism and Empower Women

PBS NewsHour, May 20, 2015

In Morocco, a school that trains imams to lead prayers in the country's many mosques is at the center of a government program to provide "spiritual security." Here, female students are studying to become spiritual guides, on a mission to combat extremist thought and raise women's status in Moroccan society.

Morocco Trains Imams to Fight Extremism

PBS NewsHour, May 20, 2015

Morocco is lending a helping hand to its war-torn neighbor, Mali, by offering spiritual (and even computer) training to its religious leaders. They hope that by brining together Islamic preachers from both North and South, they can help heal Mali's rifts. Produced by our student partners from NYU's Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute.

In Morocco, Strict Adoption Rules Leave Many Orphans Without Hope

PBS NewsHour, May 27, 2015

Orphanages in Morocco already faced a unique challenge in trying to find permanent homes for children in their care due to the requirements of the Islamic kafala guardianship process. A recent law has now made it nearly impossible for many would-be parents, including most foreigners, to participate.

Historic Election in Myanmar Turns Once Political Prisoner into First-Time Candidate

PBS NewsHour, October 11, 2015

Myanmar's national parliamentary election is bringing an array of first-time candidates into the democratic electoral process, including former political prisoners who are now ready to take on leadership roles in their transitioning country. Meet one of them, a free speech and anti-discrimination activist, imprisoned for years for his efforts.

Inside Myanmar's Historic Nationwide Election

PBS NewsHour, October 11, 2015

After decades of military dictatorship, Myanmar began a shift to democracy in 2012, when it held free elections for a limited number of seats in its parliament. Now, a nationwide election is underway for the first time since 1990 and while the military leadership is at risk to lose its iron grip on power, the country's most well-known politician may not assume the highest office.

Crimean Tatars Exiled Again After Russian Annexation

PBS NewsHour, May 19, 2016

Ukraine's Crimean Tatar Muslims have persevered through centuries of persecution, including an alleged Soviet-sponsored genocide in 1944. With Russia's 2014 annexation of Crimea, the Tatars say they are now facing renewed persecution in the form of government crackdowns.

Return to Chernobyl

PBS Frontline, October 26, 2016

For the 30th anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear accident, the BIR, with NYU and PBS Frontline, travel inside the radioactive exclusion zone to produce the first ever virtual reality news documentary on the accident. The report follows survivor Alexsandr Sirota as he walks us through his childhood home, the now-ruined city of Pripyat and recounts what he saw and heard that day in 1986.

Two Years After New Regime, Grim Realities Persist in Ukraine

PBS NewsHour, April 24, 2016

A 2014 people's protest forced Ukraine's president from power, amidst calls for political reform and an end to corruption. Two years later, Ukraine has seen some changes, including the creation of anti-corruption bodies and the rise of a new generation of politicians. But challenges to reform remain and a war in the east of the country and Russia's annexation of Crimea further weaken Ukraine.

Deported from US Cambodians Fight Immigration Policy

PBS NewsHour, May 7, 2017

Every year, the U.S. deports thousands of immigrants convicted of crimes, including legal green card holders. 550 of them have been sent to Cambodia; they had come to America as war refugees, but decades later found themselves on the wrong side of the law and suddenly deportable, back to a country many were not born in. Now a close-knit group of deportees is fighting the US-Cambodian deportation agreement, from the Cambodian side.

Cambodia's Low Income Residents Forcibly Evicted for Development

PBS NewsHour, June 3, 2017

Land grabbing has reached epidemic levels in Cambodia, displacing an estimated 5% of the population from their land and homes. Laws should protect them, but well-connected developers often take precedence and the impact of the communist Khmer Rouge regime's destruction of all property records makes the problem even more complicated. But citizens are now fighting for their rights and the government is taking notice.

Ireland Prepares to Vote in Historic Abortion Referendum

PBS NewsHour, May 22, 2018

As part of its collaboration with NYU's Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute, Kira Kay of the BIR mentored two graduate students for the production of a feature length report for PBS NewsHour on Ireland's abortion referendum.

Venezuelans Facing Tumult at Home Flood Into Peru

PBS NewsHour Weekend, April 14, 2019

Venezuela's refugee crisis is the second largest in the world, after Syria. More than a million Venezuelans have flooded into Peru, which has welcomed them with work permits, medical care and education. However, the good will may be wearing thin.

Peru looks to Reforms to Save Amazon

PBS NewsHour Weekend, September 22, 2019

Part two of a two-part series looking at efforts to stop illegal gold mining in Peru's Amazon and restore the rainforest.


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